The absolute coffee experience in 5 cities

Paris is the city of love whilst London the city of music. However, Vienna and Hanoi, -among others- are the cities that are worth a visit to taste good coffee.

The culture and the variety of coffee that a country has is a smart way for someone to get to know the country that is visiting. Coffee will be totally different to those that usually drink it in order to wake up in the morning. If you are one of those people you owe it to yourself to try an authentic viennese or at least a traditional Turkish coffee. Next we are presenting you the five cities that have the best coffee and are willing to know you..


Hanoi, Vietnam

In the capital of Vietnam, coffee is usually served along with the filter and with condensed milk. There are many available places of different and unique aesthetic for someone to enjoy a coffee. Drink your coffee cold in order to get through Vietnam’s hot climate, in alternative places or luxurious cafes of the capital.

Portland, Oregon

Each of Portland’s residents have their own favourite variety of roasted coffee and there are many places to discover yours where coffee is used in a unique way from the first stage of the product until it is served to your cup. Bear in mind that in Portland people respect coffee and its culture and do not “appreciate” those that prefer to alter it with much milk and whatever else that changes its flavour. 

Vienna, Austria

While many cities offer unique experiences that are related to the consumption of coffee, Vienna is the only one in the world that brings the seal by UNESCO as well. The viennese culture of coffee that comes from the 17th century belongs to the cultural heritage of the country, while the atmosphere that every Austrian cafe provides is something unique that cannot be found elsewhere in the world. 

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the 10 largest countries in the world that produce coffee, as its tradition for coffee dates back to the 10th century. Many ceremonies for coffee are carried out until today, while in Addis Ababa you can find a western type of coffee as well, but we recommend you to try the Ethiopian traditional one. 

Istanbul, Turkey 

For the Turkish people coffee must be “black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love” and something like that you will drink in one of the countless coffee-houses of the city. As many of us know, Turkish coffee is another way to name the Greek coffee, it is not about a light coffee so when you visit Istanbul do not hesitate to try one and discover which one is the best, the Greek or the Turkish one?



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