TEN essential things to have for our vacation!!!

It’s almost summertime and the preparation for the next trip has already begun!!! However, there are times when we try to pack as many things as possible and we forget the ones we need the most!! Let’s see what we should leave back so our vacations will go as planned….

From the start…

The ID card and the ticket are those two essential things that we put first in our bag!!! Without those two we are no longer part of the trip and we end up saying goodbye to our friends while they are travelling without us!! Be very careful!!!

Sunscreens, after sun cream and swimsuits are totally required for our vacation!! The sun and sunbathing can be very enticing, but you will not enjoy your trip if you get sunburnt. A swimsuit cannot be missing from your suitcase unless you are a nudism enthusiast.

Vitamins and medicine are necessary!!! Being exposed to the sun, getting a hangover and maybe bad nutrition during your vacation can wear you out, so it is important to have your vitamins with you that can boost your mood and give you energy!!! Don’t forget the painkillers for the headaches that you will need after partying all night!!!

Mosquito repellent for the win!!! Mosquitos are the enemies of the summer and the biggest trickers!!! To avoid these troublemakers and sleep without any discomfort bring your one and only ally…THE MOSQUITO REPELLENT!!!

Mosquito repellent!!!!

The deodorant is something that you would definitely have to bring with you!!! No clarifications needed!!!

FRAGRANCE!! It might seem a little bit strange but a fragrance is something that makes us distinguish from the others and shows our uniqueness!!! So do not forget to bring one with you!! Besides, who doesn’t want to be unique?

Charger!! You cannot leave without it!!!! What will you do if your phone runs out of battery ??

Beach rackets….if you choose to go to a secluded beach you’ll have to find a way to pass your time with something entertaining!! In that way you can also get the perfect suntan!!!!

ALCOHOL!!! Why?????

Because even the hotel can run out of this!!!! Maybe someday, or some night you will want to relax by the pool at the hotel and have one or two or three drinks and so on!!!

And finally A GOOD MOOD!!!!! Unfortunately some people forget it!!!! You cannot have a good time while you’re whining or niggling or scowling!!!!


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