Prague: Why you should definitely visit her!

Built on the banks of the Vltava river, Prague is undoubtedly a must-see destination, as it features idyllic landscapes, medieval streets, castles made out of fairytales and various other sights of traditional and modern architecture.
The capital of the Czech Republic is an attraction for thousands of tourist every year, and rightly so!
Let’s have a look below, some of the reasons that make Prague so popular and so beautiful.

The Astronomical Clock

The Astronomical Clock of Prague is a medieval astronomical clock in the center of the city. Today’s clock is an exact replica of the original one which was destroyed during WW2. It is located on the southern wall of the Old Town Hall, in the Old Town Square. Two of the most important astronomers of the 16th and the 17th century, Tycho and Kepler, lived in Prague and worked at the Benatek Observatory, leaving their indelible scientific mark and contribution to the city, at the University of which Albert Einstein also taught for an academic year.


Prague Castle

Prague Castle is located in the Hradčany district. It’s one of the largest and oldest castles in the world. The Castle was home to the offices of the Czech kings, the Holy Roman Empire and the Presidents of then Czechoslovakia, today’s Czech Republic. The Bohemian Crown Jewels are also kept within a hidden room inside it.


Klementinum Library

It is considered one of the most beautiful libraries in the world, and we have to agree! A unique example of a classic Baroque style, the library opened in 1722 as part of a Jesuit university and houses a stunning collection of 20.000 book.


Charles Bridge

It’s the oldest bridge of Prague and replaced the Judith bridge which had been destroyed by floods in 1342. The former “Stone Bridge” or “Prague Bridge” was renamed in Charles Bridge in 1870. Construction began in 1357 and was completed in 1402. The avenue of 30 mostly Baroque statues and statuaries situated on the balustrade, with the most famous that of St John of Nepomuk, forms a unique connection of artistic styles with the underlying Gothic bridge. If you touch it, it guarantees you that you’ll return again to Prague. However, don’t be discouraged by the crowd on the bridge. Your walk may be accompanied by a little “traffic jam” but it is totally worth it! Cross the Vltava river and continue wandering the uphill streets of Mala Strana, one of Prague’s most historic districts.


Petřín Hill

The hill can offer you an indescribable view. The best thing in this place is that you have the chance to see the wonderful cityscape of Prague for free. Other magical places are the countless green paths and the old Ukrainian church, perhaps one of the most romantic parts of the city.


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