
Mykonos, the island of winds!!!!!!!

For many years now Mykonos has been one of the hottest destinations for summer vacations!! We would say that it is an island with “two personalities” as it combines two elements. On the one hand is full of amusement, glow and cosmopolitan features and on the other hand all the churches, the windmills, the white beautiful houses and the paved alleys add a more romantic and calm mood on the island. It is one of those destinations that satisfies those that want to party all night long as well as those that search for more calm and relaxing moments.

The beaches……

We have a solution for those that want to spend their vacation partying from sunset to dawn! A sortie to Super Paradise, one of the most cosmopolitan beaches known for the parties that are carried out there from the morning until the next day by the sound of the best DJs’ music! However there are some people who want to escape from the fuss of the city and relax….

Those can discover the deserted beaches and the calm villages that will leave them speechless!!

The recreation….While you are in Mykonos it is indispensable to visit the known Cavo Paradiso!! Recreation, parties, famous DJs like John Digweeed, David Guetta and Tiesto and its location along with the sunrise provide the best experience to its visitors!! It is not by chance that Cavo Paradiso is listed in the 12th place of the best clubs in the world!!!! It is worth visiting it to have a unique experience of frenzied recreation!!

A hungry bear won’t dance!…
There are many Cycladic treats and Mykonos has some special flavours that will make you lick your fingers!! As you drink ouzo or you are relaxing at a tavern do not forget to taste “mostra kopanisti”, that is a soft cheese (kopanisti) with spicy flavours, a local rusk that is soaked with water or olive oil and is served with the kopanisti cheese and tomato!!! If you like meat, the local sausages, which are sun-dried and have many spices all grilled with salt will fascinate you!!! Finally for those that like desserts, you have to try the marzipans of Mykonos and of course the brittles and the honey pies..!!
Mykonos will fascinate you and as the summer is already here…

Get ready!

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