Bologna: Its three nicknames!

A trip to Italy usually reminds us of the picturesque Venice, the historic Rome or the majestic Milan, all three cities you must visit at some point in your life. Of course, as in any country, there are other, smaller cities that most visitors overlook in the face of destinations that are considered more important to visit. We talk about cities full of treasures that you had not noticed before.
The Italians have given three nicknames to Bologna. The Educated (La Dotta), the Fat (La Grassa) and the Red (La Rossa).
No matter what you think of Bologna now, after spending a few days wandering its narrow streets, you really won’t find more apt nicknames to give it than these three.

La Dotta

Bologna is home to the oldest university in the Western world, from which-among others- Dante Alighieri, Leon Battista Alberti and Copernicus have graduated, and some of them have been professors. The alma mater studiorum was founded in 1088 and to this day is the first choice of study of thousands of students from around the world. L ‘Archiginnasio, the ancient seat of the university, is located in the historic center of the city and is one of the most legendary buildings in Bologna. MAMbo, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bologna, hosts every year a plethora of exhibitions by promising Italian artists, organizes exceptional tributes to the work of great artists and has a rather impressive permanent collection. The Museum of the History of Bologna (Museo della Storia di Bologna) is also a must-see! It’s a modern museum that is based almost entirely on the interaction of visitors with the exhibits.

La Grassa

As you may have guessed, “Fat” refers to the delicious cuisine of the city, about which Pellegrino Artusi, the famous author of the equally famous cookbook “La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene,” said “When you hear them talking for the cuisine of Bologna, you should take a bow!”. Thanks to the agricultural wealth of Emilia Romagna, Bologna stands out for its handmade tagliatelle and tortellini, its mortadella and, of course, its adored Bolognese, the famous pasta sauce to which it gave its name. Tortellini, on the other hand, were first made in Bologna. According to the legend, the goddess Aphrodite once stopped at a hostel between Bologna and Modena and the chef, enchanted by her beauty, tried to create a pasta that would resemble the shape of her navel. And so the first “tortellino” was created, as a tribute to the goddess of beauty and love.

La Rossa

A look from above is enough to understand why one of the three nicknames of Bologna is “red”. The shade of its roofs and the vast majority of its buildings surround the city in a rust red color, a truly unique spectacle that you can enjoy in all its glory either from the hill of San Luca or the Asinelli Tower in the center of the city, right next to the main square of Bologna, Piazza Maggiore. But Bologna is also called “red” for another reason. This isn’t but the fact that, except for a few short periods in its history, the city was and still is politically aligned with the Left, with all its mayors coming from the left and communist parties.

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