Amsterdam: First time in Amsterdam!

Amsterdam is the capital and the largest municipality of the Netherlands. It’s one of the most historic cities of Europe with a great number of Greeks choosing Amsterdam as their new home. Colourful markets, picturesque alleys and green parks form a large part of its beautiful landscape.
Now, let’s say a few words about the history of the city so that you get a first idea of what you’ll encounter. Its story begins as a small fishing village built on the banks of the Amstel river and year after year, it began to develop economically so as to become the city of 800.000 inhabitants that you see today. It’s considered the city which hosts the largest number of nationalities than any other in Europe. It has 80 museums, countless parks and around 400.000 trees. The rare feature of its inhabitants is that since ancient times they don’t follow any religious dogma, nor do they belong to any religious community.
Whoever wants to explore and learn the history of the city has many options for sure! It’s worth visiting the National Museum of the city, the house of Anne Frank with its special history, the old temple and the new church and of course, the well-known Madame Tussaud Museum.
Finally, when it comes to food and entertainment, you won’t encounter any problem. The food of the city, due to the presence of thousands of immigrants, has been influenced by almost all the cuisines of the world. And regarding entertainment, Amsterdam is the city that literally never sleeps and therefore your choices are endless!

Anne Frank House

It is located on the water canal “Prinsengracht” and it’s a biographical museum on the well-known life of Anne Frank, a little girl of Jewish origin and specifically the protagonist of the book “The diary of Anne Frank”. It’s a sight with a long and important history that is definitely worth visiting!

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