Dubrovnik: Why you should definitely visit it!

Dubrovnik is known as the “Saint Tropez” of the Balkans as it is an international and very popular destination. This medieval city, which was once a rival of Venice, is built entirely of white stone and marble, and its walls rise almost 40 meters above the sea. The landscape, the climate, the colors of the city, all remind of Greece.
However, while you’re crossing the Great Walls, the first sight that welcomes you is a map with coded signs indicating the extent and the magnitude of the damage from the Serb bombing during the 1995 conflict. Apart from the map and the restoration of demolished buildings which are characterised by visible but discreet interventions, there is no other evidence that war was waging here until recently.
Let’s see now some main reasons that a visit to Dubrovnik…is a must!

The Walls of the Old Town

The Walls of Dubrovnik are considered the most completed and perhaps the largest of Europe. They were built from the 8th to the 16th century in order to protect Stari Grant from any kind of besiegers. You should walk on the fortifications on a 2km long path that looks like being on a limbo above the Adriatic sea. A little further away, it’s the Tower of St. Lucas that protected the entrance of the port. Make a stop at the 16th century semicircular fortress of St. John to visit the Aquarium and the Nautical Museum. Ragusa, as it was called Dubrovnik in old times, was once a famous naval state with seagoing ships around the world!


The Fortress Lovrijenac

The Fortress is also known as “Dubrovnik’s Gibraltar”. The solid stone fortress dominates a hill of 37 meters and protects the western entrance of the city. If it reminds you of something, it is because it was the setting for The Game of Thrones TV series.


The Clock Tower

A symbol of the city in the central square of Lonza, the 31 m high Tower began to be built in 1444. Two wooden figures of soldiers, later replaced by bronze statues, undertook to ring the clock on the old 2000 kg bell. The locals named them Maro and Baro but eventually they got the nickname “zelenci”, which means green people, from the color given to them by the Adriatic salt.


Sponza Palace

It’s an impressive building of the 16th century that combines masterfully architectural elements of the Gothic and Renaissance era. In the past, it first housed the customs and then operated as a literary club made for the high society of the city that organised meetings on its elegant garden to discuss philosophical matters.Today, the historical archives of Dubrovnik are kept on the premises of the palace.


Dubrovnik Cable Car

At the height of 413 m above the city, the hill offers an amazing panorama of the city and the Adriatic which resembles a postcard! At the top stands the imposing Imperial that houses the War Museum. You can admire all this through a cable car that will offer you a unique view and an unforgettable experience.


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